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Men's Ministry

Mission Statement: Helping men to become everything God created them to be! 

Vision: "Leave No Man Behind"

Operation R.E.S.C.U.E

Reaching men where they are
Empowering men with the Word
Securing men for service
Calling men out of sinful habits
Uniting men in Christ
Encourage and equipping men to live Godly lives for eternity


Man Cave - Men’s Ministry Bible Study

Corona Men’s Ministry (C.M.M.) is inviting you to the “Man Cave” our Men's Weekly Bible Study on Zoom Tuesdays at 7pm.  

The Man Cave is an environment where men can express themselves, and studying the word! 

We are encouraging everyone to invite other brothers to join each week. 

Click here to Join


Join us as we take a journey to Authentic Manhood

“33 The Series.” It is a multi-volume, gospel-centered video series that presents the timeless truths of Authentic Manhood in a powerfully new and engaging way. It includes new insightful teaching, inspiring testimonies, expert interviews and multiple creative features. As a man experiences the different volumes of 33, he will find himself building a vision for Authentic Manhood in his own life that is built on the gospel of Jesus Christ and was modeled by Him in His 33 years on earth.

For dates and times, please contact

Ron Beckford @ 347-485-8995 or Jered Hall @ 917-825-6115 










Contact Corona's Men's Ministries
We love to hear from you. Our Men's Ministry is designed to Help men to become everything God created them to be, so that their families will be impacted in a positive way.
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