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Family Life Department



Welcome to Corona SDA Church Family Life Ministry 2025

The theme "We Are Family" continues as we embark on our new theme "We Are Family: Building Bridges That Empower Families Now And Into The Future"

EMPOWERMENT- is a choice that we take on as individuals to enhance relationships; whether one on one, or as a complete family unit. Each family member or individual is unique and special as a child of God. This brings diversity in many forms.

Our Family Life Ministry Department wants to encourage building the "Bridge of Community" through understanding diversity within our own family structures and outward.

The family worship handout downloaded - "Growing Hearts of WELCOME" Understanding Diverse Families- here is a reference tool for you to use in your family worship. There are seven topics that are integrated with a reading and activities to enhance your learning experience.  Share this opportunity with a neighbor or family member or coworker.  Use all or parts that fit your family structure.  Be creative. This is a tool that can help to build our families and community as we prepare for Pentecost 2025.

One way to encourage each other, if you feel empressed, is to share picture of your family or you with friends engaging in this worship experience.  Send a photo to Anthea Taylor our clerk to be posted at a later date.

This is intended to be a week long event starting today February 16 - 22, 2025. There is a wealth of information that can carry you throughout many more family worship experiences. Let's Build Community!!!

 REMEMBER----"We Are Family- Building Bridges That Empower Families Now and Into The Future"


Resource Book

"Growing Hearts of WELCOME" Understanding Diverse Families - English version - click here 

Libro de Recursos

"Cultivando Corazones de Bienvenida" Comprediendo Familias Diversas - Versión en español - haga clic aquí